Amazon Terminates Small Vendor Accounts: Implications for 1P and 3P Sellers

September 12, 2024

Amazon recently announced a major shift in its vendor relationships, terminating thousands of smaller 1P vendor accounts effective November 9, 2024. This decision will impact brands with annual sales under $5-10 million, forcing many small and medium-sized businesses to pivot their Amazon strategy. While the news has caused concern, there are opportunities for brands willing to transition to Amazon's Seller Central (3P) platform and for existing 3P sellers to capitalize on the disruption.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thousands of small vendors will no longer sell directly to Amazon through Vendor Central (1P) after November 9, 2024.
  • Affected brands have the opportunity to transition to Seller Central (3P), gaining more control over their pricing, inventory, and strategy.
  • This shift opens up market share opportunities for existing 3P sellers, especially in niche categories.

Why is Amazon Terminating Vendor Relationships?

Amazon’s decision to cut ties with smaller 1P vendors is part of a broader strategy to streamline operations and focus on larger enterprise brands. Many of the affected vendors do not have dedicated Vendor Managers, making it difficult for them to receive support for pricing updates, trade terms, and other management issues.

By shifting smaller brands to the Seller Central model, Amazon can better allocate resources to vendors who generate significant sales. This change aligns with Amazon’s goal of optimizing its retail operations while catering to a wide range of consumer needs—from top-branded items to niche, unbranded products typically sold by third-party (3P) sellers.

How This Impacts Terminated Vendors

For small and medium-sized vendors receiving this notice, the implications are significant. Thousands of brands will lose their ability to sell directly to Amazon under the Vendor Central model. Here’s what this means:

  • Loss of Direct Vendor Support: Affected vendors will no longer have the structured support provided by Amazon through Vendor Central. This includes help with product listings, pricing, and fulfillment arrangements.
  • Inventory and Sales Challenges: Many vendors will need to liquidate or manage their remaining inventory before the termination date. While Amazon may still have stock through Q4 2024, there will be no guaranteed support for sales in Q1 2025.
  • Self-Directed Sales Models: Without Vendor Central’s managed relationship, vendors must now take full control of their sales strategy if they choose to transition to Seller Central.

How Can You Transition to Seller Central if Amazon Terminated Your Vendor Relationship?

While this transition may seem daunting, moving to Seller Central offers several advantages for small and medium-sized brands, including more autonomy and the ability to control pricing, inventory, and marketing strategies. Here’s how to make the switch effectively:

Opportunities as a 3P Seller

  1. Control Over Pricing and Inventory: In Seller Central, you’ll have full control over your product listings, allowing you to set your own prices and manage inventory without Amazon dictating terms. This flexibility is critical for staying competitive in niche markets.
  2. Fulfillment Options: Seller Central offers two main fulfillment methods:
    • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Amazon will handle the logistics, including warehousing, packing, and shipping. FBA can also maintain Prime eligibility, boosting your visibility and sales potential.
    • Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM): You take charge of fulfillment, which may reduce costs and give you more control over the customer experience.
  3. Access to Powerful Seller Tools: Amazon’s Seller Central platform provides robust tools for managing your business, from detailed sales analytics to advertising opportunities. Leveraging these tools can help you optimize your listings, manage inventory, and scale your business.
  4. Expand Globally: Seller Central makes it easier to expand into new markets. European brands, for example, can consolidate their operations under a Pan-European account, simplifying the logistics of selling across multiple Amazon marketplaces.

Actionable Steps to Transition

  1. Set Up Your Seller Central Account: If you haven't already, register for an account on Seller Central. Amazon offers tutorials and support to help you get started, ensuring a smoother transition.
  2. Plan for Inventory Management: As you shift to Seller Central, it's essential to have a strategy in place for managing your inventory. Whether you choose FBA or FBM, ensure you’re prepared to handle orders without disruption.
  3. Develop a New Sales Strategy: As a 3P seller, you’ll need to take a more proactive approach to selling. Consider investing in Amazon advertising, optimizing your product listings, and improving your branding to stand out from competitors.
  4. Leverage Amazon’s Tools: Take full advantage of the tools available through Seller Central. From pricing optimization to inventory forecasting, Amazon provides various resources to help you grow and succeed as a 3P seller.
  5. Prepare for New Competition: The shift to Seller Central will open up new competitive dynamics. Monitor your competitors closely and be prepared to adjust your strategy to stay competitive in a changing marketplace.

Implications for 3P Sellers

The termination of smaller 1P vendor accounts doesn’t just affect those directly involved; it also has significant implications for existing 3P sellers. With many 1P brands exiting Vendor Central, there’s a massive opportunity for 3P sellers to capture market share, particularly in niche product categories where smaller 1P brands once dominated.

If you are a 3P seller, here’s how you can capitalize on this shift:

  • Increased Visibility: As more small 1P brands leave the platform, there will be less competition in certain categories. This opens the door for you to gain visibility and increase their market share.
  • Optimize Listings for Niche Markets: Optimize your product listings and use Amazon’s advertising tools to target the gaps left by exiting 1P vendors. This could lead to more prominent placement in search results and increased sales.
  • Expand Product Offerings: Consider expanding your product line to cover categories where terminated 1P vendors had a strong presence. This proactive approach could help you fill the void left by these vendors and capture new customers.


Amazon’s termination of small vendor accounts represents a significant shift for thousands of brands. While the change may pose challenges for affected vendors, the move to Seller Central provides an opportunity for greater control over business decisions and growth potential. For existing 3P sellers, this shift also creates a unique opportunity to capture market share and thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Whether you’re a brand impacted by the termination or an existing 3P seller looking to capitalize on the disruption, now is the time to take action. Transition to Seller Central, optimize your strategy, and position your business for success in 2025 and beyond.

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